children | React node | yes | n/a | The component/text to render inside the button |
className | string | no | n/a | Adds an optional classname to the component |
type | enum("button", "submit", "reset") | no | n/a | Changes the button type |
id | string | no | "button" | Adds an optional id to the component |
variant | enum("solid", "outlined", "text", "inverted") | no | "solid" | Changes the variation style of the button |
ariaLabel | string | no | n/a | Adds an optional aria label |
danger | boolean | no | false | Determines if the button is of the danger/destructive style ("solid" and "inverted" look the same) |
compact | boolean | no | false | Determines if the button is of the compact style |
disabled | boolean | no | undefined | Determines if the button is in the disabled state |
loading | boolean | no | false | Determines if the button is in the loading state |
inlineIcon | React element OR false | no | false | Allows inline button icon |
iconPosition | enum("leading", "trailing") | no | undefined | Determine positioning of icon element |
onClick | function | no | undefined | Event handler for onclick events |
onClick | function | no | undefined | Event handler for onblur events |
inputRef | any | no | undefined | Allows adding a react ref |
fullWidth | boolean | no | false | Determines if the button spans full width or not |